A Beginner's Guide to Azur Lane
In Azur Lane, you acquire Shipgirls, which are a combination of a manga girl and a ship of war -- aircraft carriers, submarines, battleships, cruisers, and other such ships. You acquire Shipgirls, equip them, and level them through Combat and Missions. Along the way, you also enhance the shipgirls and the gear. Some shipgirls can also receive Retrofits.
You can also Wedding your Shipgirls. The tutorial does a good job explaining the process. Married shipgirls gain slight advantages and improve the aesthetics of the game.
Recommended Reading
We recommend you read in this order:
- First, if you haven't read it: A Beginner's Guide to Spending Resources
- Then skim the contents of this page, just to be comfortable with the nature of the information available.
- Read in detail the General Gameplay section. If you are already familiar with the game, there won't be any new information, and you can skim in seconds.
- From there, hit each page referenced from the #Most Critical Information section.
General Gameplay
We'll start with a general review of the basics. Later, we'll do a deeper dive, hitting most of the pages not covered by this section.
This is a screen shot on an Apple iPad as of March, 2024. Other devices may have a different appearance.
- In the center area, on the left is an image of my current Secretary. You'll start with one secretary and add more.
- To the right of the secretary is a block with access to Special Events, your Formation, and the main Battle Screen.
- In the upper left, clicking the secretary's image next to my character name brings you to the Profile page. This is where you manage your secretaries.
- Along the bottom are buttons for the most common actions you'll want to explore, which we'll discuss shortly.
- Along the right are buttons for far less common places to go.
- Along ht stop, where it says Rookie, you can click another set of quests. Next is oil, then gold, and finally gems.